Sonic4Lab Store

Ultrasonic Tinning Welder

Ultrasonic Tinning Welder The ultrasonic soldering process excels in the removal of protective gold, silver, and other platings from lead surfaces. Military specifications recommend ultrasonic soldering for gold removal. Ultrasonic tinning has been successful in restoring the solderability of component leads that could not be recovered using the fluxes allowed by military and other specifications. The vigorous mechanical scrubbing provided by ultrasonic energy surpasses many other mechanical recovery techniques. Ultrasonic [...]

By |2020-03-09T08:40:56+00:0013 6 月, 2019|company news|Ultrasonic Tinning Welder已关闭评论

Ultrasonic Soldering Process

Ultrasonic Soldering Process The ultrasonic soldering process does not use flux. Ultrasonic cavitation and implosion provide the mechanism to mechanically remove surface oxides to allow solder adhesion to take place. Since there is no flux used, there is no chance of solder splatter or the inclusion of flux or flux decomposition byproducts in the solder coating. The necessity to remove flux residues after soldering is also eliminated. Since there is [...]

By |2020-03-09T08:40:56+00:0012 6 月, 2019|company news|Ultrasonic Soldering Process已关闭评论
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