Sonic4Lab Store

Semiconductor Interconnect

Semiconductor Interconnect Semiconductor Interconnect - Semiconductor Coating Systems - Cheersonic The conductivity of semiconductors lies between conductors and nonconductors (i.e. insulators), a property that allows us to fully control the flow of electricity. Components such as transistors can be built through wafer-based lithography, etching and deposition processes, but they also need to be connected to send and receive power and signals. Metals are used for circuit interconnection because of their [...]

By |2022-09-28T04:41:43+00:0011 10 月, 2022|company news|Semiconductor Interconnect已关闭评论

Wafer Thin Film Deposition

Wafer Thin Film Deposition Wafer Thin Film Deposition - Photoresist Coating - Cheersonic To create the tiny devices inside the chip, we need to continuously deposit layers of thin films and etch away the excess, as well as add materials to separate the different devices. Each transistor or memory cell is built step-by-step through the above process. By "thin film" we mean here a "film" that is less than 1 [...]

By |2022-09-28T04:45:05+00:009 10 月, 2022|company news|Wafer Thin Film Deposition已关闭评论

Wafer Etching

Wafer Etching Wafer Etching - Polyimide Coatings - Photoresist Coating - Cheersonic After the photolithography of the circuit pattern on the wafer is completed, an etching process is used to remove any excess oxide film and leave only the semiconductor circuit pattern. To do this requires the use of liquid, gas or plasma to remove selected excess. There are two main methods of etching, depending on the substance used: wet [...]

By |2022-09-28T04:50:11+00:007 10 月, 2022|company news|Wafer Etching已关闭评论

Wafer Lithography

Wafer Lithography Wafer Lithography - Polyimide Coatings - Photoresist Coating - Cheersonic Lithography is the "printing" of a circuit pattern onto a wafer by light, which we can understand as drawing the plan on the surface of the wafer required for semiconductor fabrication. The higher the fineness of the circuit pattern, the higher the integration of the finished chip, which must be achieved through advanced lithography technology. Specifically, photolithography can [...]

By |2022-09-28T04:51:38+00:005 10 月, 2022|company news|Wafer Lithography已关闭评论

Wafer Oxidation

Wafer Oxidation Wafer Oxidation - Photoresist Spray System - Cheersonic The role of the oxidation process is to form a protective film on the wafer surface. It protects wafers from chemical impurities, prevents leakage currents from entering circuits, prevents diffusion during ion implantation, and prevents wafer slippage during etching. The first step of the oxidation process is to remove impurities and pollutants, and it is necessary to remove impurities such [...]

By |2022-09-28T04:54:40+00:003 10 月, 2022|company news|Wafer Oxidation已关闭评论

Wafer Processing

Wafer Processing Wafer Processing - Photoresist Deposition System - Cheersonic All semiconductor processes start with a grain of sand! Because the silicon contained in the sand is the raw material needed to produce wafers. Wafers are circular slices formed by cutting a single crystal cylinder of silicon (Si) or gallium arsenide (GaAs). To extract high-purity silicon materials, silica sand, a special material with a silicon dioxide content of up to [...]

By |2022-09-28T04:57:35+00:001 10 月, 2022|company news|Wafer Processing已关闭评论

Wafer Processing

Wafer Processing Wafer Processing - Photoresist Deposition System - Cheersonic All semiconductor processes start with a grain of sand! Because the silicon contained in the sand is the raw material needed to produce wafers. Wafers are circular slices formed by cutting a single crystal cylinder of silicon (Si) or gallium arsenide (GaAs). To extract high-purity silicon materials, silica sand, a special material with a silicon dioxide content of up to [...]

By |2022-09-28T04:33:01+00:001 10 月, 2022|company news|Wafer Processing已关闭评论
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