Sonic4Lab Store

Ultrasonic Welding Titanium

Ultrasonic Welding Titanium Ultrasonic Welding Titanium - Ultrasonic Soldering Iron - Cheersonic Titanium has a higher yield strength than steel, and its weight is almost half that of steel of the same volume. Although titanium is slightly heavier than aluminum, its yield strength is two times greater than aluminum. The specific strength of titanium is higher than that of aluminum and steel, and the specific modulus is very close to [...]

By |2023-04-04T08:07:52+00:0010 1 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Ultrasonic Welding Titanium已关闭评论

Technical Features of Silicon Micromechanical Sensors

Technical Features of Silicon Micromechanical Sensors Silicon micromechanical sensor is a new type of sensor developed based on silicon micromachining technology. Its main performance characteristics are as follows: 1 Miniaturization and integration Silicon micromechanical sensors use micron-scale micromachining technology to manufacture micron-sized sensor sensitive elements. This kind of device is easy to integrate, so that two-dimensional or three-dimensional sensor arrays can be formed, and integrated large-scale integrated circuit, and the [...]

By |2023-01-10T07:25:56+00:008 1 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Technical Features of Silicon Micromechanical Sensors已关闭评论

Silicon Micromechanical Sensors

Silicon Micromechanical Sensors With the emergence of silicon micromachining technology, silicon micromechanical sensors have emerged. Compared with classic sensors, this new type of sensor has the advantages of small size, easy integration, low cost, low power consumption, fast speed and high reliability. and high precision. Further integrating this sensor with an integrated circuit can form a powerful smart sensor, and smart sensors are the main direction of sensor technology development [...]

By |2023-01-10T07:24:27+00:005 1 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Silicon Micromechanical Sensors已关闭评论

Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis For Chemical Deposition

Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis For Chemical Deposition Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis For Chemical Deposition - Cheersonic A coating layer on a substrate, such as a ceramic film (i.e., coating) deposited on a metal or oxide substrate, can be obtained by several methods. The advantages that ultrasonic spray pyrolysis exerts in the art are well known. Our coating solutions are environmentally-friendly, efficient and highly reliable, and enable dramatic reductions in overspray, savings in [...]

By |2022-12-12T05:49:08+00:002 1 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis For Chemical Deposition已关闭评论

Porous Materials Welding

Porous Materials Welding Porous Materials Welding - Ultrasonic Soldering Iron - Cheersonic Porous materials are materials with a network structure composed of interconnected or closed pores, with the boundaries or surfaces of the pores composed of pillars or plates. A typical pore structure is a two-dimensional structure formed by the aggregation of a large number of polygonal holes on a plane, which is called a "honeycomb" material due to its [...]

By |2023-04-04T08:12:33+00:001 1 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Porous Materials Welding已关闭评论
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