Sonic4Lab Store

Metals Welding

Metals Welding Metals Welding - Ultrasonic Soldering Iron - Cheersonic Metals generally refer to a class of substances that have a unique luster (i.e., strong reflection of visible light), but are opaque, ductile, and thermally conductive. Pure metals are generally solids (excluding mercury) at room temperature, and most are excellent conductors of electricity and heat, with a high density and melting point. The metal resources on the Earth are widely [...]

By |2023-04-04T07:39:11+00:0010 2 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Metals Welding已关闭评论

The Main Classification of Gallium Oxide

The Main Classification of Gallium Oxide The Main Classification of Gallium Oxide - Silicon Carbide Coating - Cheersonic Conductive type (gallium oxide homoepitaxial), semi-insulating type (homoepitaxial), and high-purity type (homoepitaxial) are applied in Schottky diodes, field effect transistors, sensors and optoelectronic substrates, mainly for downstream Markets include new energy vehicles, home appliances, industrial inverters, photovoltaics, electric welding machines, industrial inverters, high-speed rail, smart grids, industrial motors, national defense and military [...]

By |2023-03-07T01:26:19+00:007 2 月, 2023|Uncategorized|The Main Classification of Gallium Oxide已关闭评论

Silicon Carbide Preparation Process

Silicon Carbide Preparation Process Silicon Carbide Preparation Process - Circuit Board Spray - Cheersonic The first step is to generate raw materials, mix high-purity silicon powder and high-purity carbon powder uniformly according to the process formula, and pass a specific reaction process in the reaction chamber under high temperature conditions above 2,000°C to remove the residual and reaction powder surface in the reaction environment The adsorbed trace impurities make the [...]

By |2023-03-07T01:27:43+00:004 2 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Silicon Carbide Preparation Process已关闭评论

Transistors Twenty Years Later

Transistors Twenty Years Later Source: Adapted from IEEE. 2047 is the 100th anniversary of the invention of the transistor. What will the transistor look like then? Will they even become critical computing elements today? IEEE Spectrum asked experts around the world for their predictions. Transistors are expected to be more diverse than they are today, according to one expert. Just as processors evolved from CPUs to include GPUs, network processors, [...]

By |2023-03-07T01:28:57+00:001 2 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Transistors Twenty Years Later已关闭评论
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