Sonic4Lab Store

Superconductors Welding

Superconductors Welding Superconductors Welding - Ultrasonic Soldering Iron - Cheersonic Superconductors, also known as superconducting materials, refer to conductors with zero resistance at a certain temperature. In the experiment, if the measured value of conductor resistance is less than 10-25 Ω, it can be considered as zero resistance. Superconductors not only have the characteristics of zero resistance, another important feature is complete diamagnetism. Superconductors have undergone a series of experimental [...]

By |2023-11-02T04:41:56+00:0025 10 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Superconductors Welding已关闭评论

Ultrasonic Welding for Silicon and other Semiconductors

Ultrasonic Welding for Silicon and other Semiconductors Ultrasonic Welding for Silicon and other Semiconductors - Soldering Iron - Cheersonic Semiconductor materials are a type of electronic materials that have semiconductor properties (conductivity between conductors and insulators, resistivity in the range of 1m Ω· cm to 1G Ω· cm) and can be used to make semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. The tip of ultrasonic soldering iron vibrates at ultrasonic frequencies. This [...]

By |2023-11-02T04:37:35+00:0018 10 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Ultrasonic Welding for Silicon and other Semiconductors已关闭评论

Ultrasonic Welding of Low Solderability Metals

Ultrasonic Welding of Low Solderability Metals Ultrasonic Welding of Low Solderability Metals - Soldering Iron - Cheersonic The difficulty of obtaining high-quality welding joints for different materials under certain welding conditions and using certain welding methods is called the weldability of the material. For the same metal material, there may be significant differences in its weldability when different welding methods and materials are used. The weldability of metals includes two [...]

By |2023-09-26T03:22:21+00:0011 10 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Ultrasonic Welding of Low Solderability Metals已关闭评论

Ultrasonic Welding of Transparent Conductive Oxides

Ultrasonic Welding of Transparent Conductive Oxides Ultrasonic Welding of Transparent Conductive Oxides - Cheersonic ITO is a transparent conductive oxide, which is a material composed of three elements: silver, tin, and oxygen. ITO thin films have excellent properties such as transparency, conductivity, and corrosion resistance, and are widely used in flat panel displays, solar cells, LED lighting, touch screens, and other fields. The preparation methods of ITO thin films include [...]

By |2023-09-26T03:19:07+00:004 10 月, 2023|Uncategorized|Ultrasonic Welding of Transparent Conductive Oxides已关闭评论
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