Properties of Polyimide

Properties of Polyimide – Coaters For Semiconductor and Electronics – Cheersonic

Polyimide as a special engineering materials, has been widely used in aviation, aerospace, microelectronics, nano, liquid crystal, separation film, laser and other fields. Recently, countries are including the research, development and utilization of polyimide as one of the most promising engineering plastics in the 21st century. Polyimide, because of its outstanding characteristics in performance and synthesis, whether as a structural material or as a functional material, its great application prospect has been fully recognized, known as “protion solver”, and that “without polyimide would not have today’s microelectronics technology”.

Properties of Polyimide - Coaters For Semiconductor and Electronics

Among the many polymers available, it is difficult to find one with such a wide range of application aspects as polyimide, which shows extremely outstanding properties in every respect.

1.Film: It is one of the earliest products of polyimide, used for slot insulation of electric motors and cable winding materials.
2.Coatings: used as insulating varnish for electromagnetic wires or as high temperature resistant coating.
3.Advanced composites: used in aerospace, aircraft and rocket components. It is one of the most high temperature resistant structural materials.
4.fiber: elastic modulus second only to carbon fiber, as a high-temperature medium and radioactive material filtering materials and bulletproof, fireproof fabric.
5. Foam: used as high temperature insulation materials.
6. Engineering plastics: there are thermosetting and thermoplastic, thermoplastic can be moulded or injection moulding or transfer moulding. Mainly used for self-lubrication, sealing, insulation and structural materials.
7. Adhesive: used as high temperature structural adhesive.
8. separation membrane: used for a variety of gas pairs, such as hydrogen / nitrogen, nitrogen / oxygen, carbon dioxide / nitrogen or methane, such as separation, from the air hydrocarbon raw gas and alcohols to remove water. They can also be used as permeate evaporation membranes and ultrafiltration membranes. Because of the polyimide heat and organic solvent resistance, in the separation of organic gases and liquids has a particularly important significance.
9. photoresist: there are negative and positive glue, resolution can reach sub-micron level. With pigment or dye can be used for colour filter film, can greatly simplify the processing process.
10. Application in microelectronic devices: used as a dielectric layer for interlayer insulation, as a buffer layer can reduce stress and improve yield. As a protective layer can reduce the impact of the environment on the device, but also to a-particle shielding effect, reduce or eliminate the soft error of the device (softerror).
11. Orientation alignment agent for liquid crystal display: polyimide in TN-LCD, SHN-LCD, TFT-CD and the future of ferroelectric liquid crystal display orientation agent materials have a very important position.
12. Electric – optical materials: used as passive or active waveguide materials optical switch materials, etc., containing fluorine polyimide in the communication wavelength range for transparent, polyimide as a chromophore matrix can improve the stability of the material.

The versatile polymer material, polyimide, has attracted the interest of many research institutes in Worldwide and some companies have started to produce their own polyimide materials. Cheersonic has also been working in this field, constantly breaking through and developing new products, and now has coating equipment for the polyimide industry including: fully automatic ultrasonic spraying equipment, carrier gas, heating table, vacuum adsorption and exhaust gas discharge, etc., helping companies of different sizes in the microelectronics field to accelerate the transformation of polyimide coating technology and value creation.