Ultrasonic Soldering Carbides

Carbides refer to binary compound formed by carbon and elements with smaller or similar electronegativity (except hydrogen). Carbides have higher melting points. Most carbides are produced by the reaction of carbon and metal at high temperatures. Elements can be classified into metallic carbides and non-metallic carbides based on their properties. Graphite is a allotropy of carbon. It is a gray black, opaque solid, with stable chemical properties, corrosion resistance, and is not easy to react with acid, alkali and other agents. Natural graphite comes from graphite deposits, and can also be made from petroleum coke, pitch coke, etc. through a series of processes. Graphite burns in oxygen to generate carbon dioxide, which can be oxidized by strong oxidants such as concentrated nitric acid and potassium permanganate. It can be used as an anti-wear agent and lubricant, high-purity graphite can be used as a neutron moderator in atomic reactors, and can also be used to manufacture crucibles, electrodes, brushes, dry cells, graphite fibers, heat exchangers, coolers, electric arc furnaces, arc lamps, pencil refills, etc.

Flat Glass Welding - Ultrasonic Soldering Iron - Cheersonic

The tip of ultrasonic soldering iron vibrates at ultrasonic frequencies. This vibration induces cavitation in the molten solder, which breaks up and removes oxides and promotes wetting. Ultrasonic soldering iron enables the easier joining of hard-to-solder materials which are known as impossible or difficult to be soldered in conventional soldering. Eco-friendly soldering is achieved by fluxless soldering and no post treatment to remove flux. The ultrasonic soldering technology is widely used in carbides / carbon / graphite. The ultrasonic soldering iron of Cheersonic produces high quality soldered joints. Using the solder alloy, can easily solder directly to glass, ceramics and other low solderability materials.

Cheersonic is an expert manufacturer of ultrasonic equipment. We have focused on ultrasonic soldering technology more than 20 years. The ultrasonic technology and automated system are researched and developed all by ourselves. In our sample and testing studio we are offering the testing of your material. According to the needs and testing result, Cheersonic would customize ultrasonic solutions for you.